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Language Lessons

Teaching language through rhyme.

My experience as a foreign language teacher ranges from formal university settings, to fun mommy-and-me classes for as six-month olds. Below is my original curriculum to teaching French for students in Kindergarten - 3rd Grade.

The structure of this curriculum is to teach vocabulary and phrases through music, movement, and play. Each lesson begins with a rhyme, then uses a variety of interactive tools to teach themed vocabulary and phrases to the students. It is designed for both the teacher who has a dedicated French classroom, as well as the traveling teacher who pushes in from room to room. The lesson begins with an introduction to the vocabulary through song, then tackles the vocabulary from different angles such as books, cartoons, wall words, toys, finger play, worksheets, writing, card games, movement, and art projects. 

French Numbers, Les Nombres -- 1, 2, 3 Nous irons au bois.jpg

Lesson 1: French Numbers, Les Nombres -- 1, 2, 3 Nous irons au bois

Lesson 2: French Colors, Les couleurs -- La Petite Poule Grise

French Colors, Les couleurs -- La Petite Poule Grise.jpg

Lesson 3: Days of the Week, La Semaine -- Lundi matin

Lesson 4: French Body, Le Corps -- Savez vous planter les choux?

Screen Shot 2018-06-27 at 3.30.03 PM.png

Lesson 5: French Clothes, Les Vêtements -- Promenons nous dans les bois

Lesson 6: French Vegetables, Les Legumes -- Tous Les Legumes, A La Salade

French Vegetables, Les Legumes -- Tous Les Legumes, A La Salade.jpg

Lesson 7: French Fruit, Les fruits -- Pomme, pêche, poire, abricot

Lesson 8: French Bugs, Les petits bêtes -- Une fourmi et d'autres chansons

Writing on Computer
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Lesson 9: French Farm Animal, La ferme -- Á la ferme

Lesson 10: French Transportation, Les transports -- Hep taxi! Mon vélo est blanc

French Transportation, Les transports -- Hep taxi! Mon vélo est blanc.jpg
French House, La maison -- Pirouette cacahuète.jpg

Lesson 11: French House, La maison -- Pirouette cacahuète

©2018 by Madina Papadopoulos.

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